puppy chow - muddy buddies - marshmallow treats

Puppy Chow Marshmallow Treats


Sticky, gooey, and chocolatey, these Puppy Chow Marshmallow Treats take two classic sweet snacks and combine them for one ultimate, hard-to-resist bite. This recipe couldn’t be any easier. The Puppy Chow, or Muddy Buddies, recipe comes straight from the box of Chex cereal. After that, it’s just a matter of melting down some butter and …

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chocolate cherry almond cookies - main image

Chocolate, Cherry, and Almond Cookies


The World Cup is in full swing, and I think the biggest surprise has been how little time I’ve actually had to watch it this year.  Now, let me put this out there–for me, the World Cup is essentially my Olympics.  I look forward to it every four years.  Who can resist a full day …

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