puppy chow - muddy buddies - marshmallow treats

Puppy Chow Marshmallow Treats


Sticky, gooey, and chocolatey, these Puppy Chow Marshmallow Treats take two classic sweet snacks and combine them for one ultimate, hard-to-resist bite. This recipe couldn’t be any easier. The Puppy Chow, or Muddy Buddies, recipe comes straight from the box of Chex cereal. After that, it’s just a matter of melting down some butter and …

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chocolate peanut butter cheesecake - tart - fork - slice

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake


Chocolate and peanut butter–a classic combination. There’s a reason why these two pair so well together. Bittersweet, rich chocolate and salty, savory peanut butter combine for a pairing that just gets your taste buds tingling. This Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake is precisely that–a classic wrapped in a pastry crust that’ll have you satisfied with every …

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elvis puppy chow - peanut butter banana and bacon puppy chow - snack mix - chex mix - in bowl - abve view

Elvis Puppy Chow


This recipe has me All Shook Up.  And you know what? That’s All Right. I can guarantee that, pretty soon, this recipe will be Stuck on You as well. All right, all right. Done with the Elvis puns for now. Let’s get down to business. This puppy chow is addictive. Now, that’s not hard to believe when you take into account how …

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peanut butter monster cookies - on baking sheet - broken cookie - m&ms - trail mix - main

Peanut Butter Monster Cookies


I feel like the idea of Monster Cookies has become so familiar that there should be a great story out there to explain just how they got their name.  I know they seem to take their inspiration from the popular trail mix made with peanuts, M&Ms, and raisins–the kind labelled “Monster” on the shelves at …

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peanut butter caramel corn cookies - dark chocolate - popcorn - pretzels - on baking sheet

Peanut Butter Caramel Corn Cookies


Do you ever have foods that bring about certain memories?  Maybe it’s that apple pie your mom makes a day or two after apple picking in the fall, that chocolate cake you eat every year for your birthday, or even that bag of Cheetos or mediocre pizza you share with a friend after a night …

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