earl grey and honey blueberry scones - on tray

Earl Grey & Honey Blueberry Scones


I’ve spent the last two days completely lost in old seasons of the Great British Bake Off. It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with the show, and it’s literally my go-to whenever I find myself in a funk or at a bit of a loss. Despite having seen every series, watching the bakers work their …

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blueberry and cream cookies

Blueberry & Cream Cookies


Last week, I wrote about Momofuku Milk Bar and how Christina Tosi’s recipe for milk crumbs inspired the Raspberry and Cream Shortbread Cookies I posted.  This week’s recipe follows along with the idea of berries and cream: Blueberries and Cream. It felt like a natural progression in my journey of developing new cookie recipes: I …

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