strawberry almond brioche tarts - texture - crumb

Strawberry Almond Brioche Tarts


With vanilla, almond, and strawberries all topped on a buttery brioche base, these Strawberry Almond Brioche Tarts are simply to die for. They bring the flavors of spring to life with a subtle sweetness, and each bite of a warm tart provides the soft chew of the brioche and a smooth, creamy finish from the …

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chocolate chunk biscotti

Chocolate Chunk Biscotti


Chocolate chip cookies are just about as classic as a bake can get. They are just about everywhere you turn. Sometimes, you want to take those classic flavors and fold them into something just a little less common, something that doesn’t try too hard but is worth all the attention that it will get. These …

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almond, raspberry, and lemon cake - almond victoria sponge - on stand

Almond, Raspberry, and Lemon Cake


I’ve had the tendency these past few weeks to throw some of my favorite fall and winter flavors into some early spring bakes. I’m going to change that up this week though as this cake is all about fresh flavors and spring. This Almond, Raspberry, and Lemon cake is a dream come true. The cake …

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birthday cake sugar cookies - sprinkles - on tray

Birthday Cake Sugar Cookies


These cookies are magical. They’re essentially the pastry form of a time machine. From the moment I tasted the dough, I was transported back to a way simpler time in life where I could eat half a dozen cookies in a day without total judgment because a kid giving in to her sweet tooth & …

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chocolate cherry almond cookies - main image

Chocolate, Cherry, and Almond Cookies


The World Cup is in full swing, and I think the biggest surprise has been how little time I’ve actually had to watch it this year.  Now, let me put this out there–for me, the World Cup is essentially my Olympics.  I look forward to it every four years.  Who can resist a full day …

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