
Welcome to Baking Off Script! I’m Nicole, a 28-year old writer and baker who decided it was finally time to combine those two passions. Baking Off Script is where you can find my original and adapted recipes, discoveries in baking science, and successes and trials as a writer.

I live in Chicago and come from a huge Italian family–so huge in fact that I have so many family members in Italy I’ve never met and have just recently heard of.  While some Italians are great at cooking, my talents in the kitchen have always seemed to fall in line with baking.  Hand me garlic and I have no idea what I’m doing.  Give me some butter and sugar, and we’re good to go!  Perhaps my obsession with Scotland has forced me more into the baking habit.

In addition to writing and baking, I’m a huge sports fanatic (my “2nd place brownies” from my fantasy football loss will likely make their way on here!) and absolutely love theater.  The name Baking Off Script stems from my time working in theater–we’re going without the guidelines here, making things up, hoping for the best, and fixing them until they’re utterly delicious.  My family and coworkers have become some of the best taste-testers around.

I interned at Ars Nova in 2012, back when this show was just making its World Premiere!

Last January, after discovering that I had no go-to Christmas cookie recipes, I challenged myself to create a new recipe every week.  This sparked my 52 Weeks 52 Cookies project.  Now, I am ready to share these recipes.  Every Sunday for 2018, a new cookie recipe will make its way onto Baking Off Script.

I know there are a ton of baking blogs out there already, but everyone has something different to offer, and I hope you’ll join me on this journey through pastry, breads, and sweets.  There will be food, there will be recommendations of songs or shows to play while baking, and stories to read while sitting with a cup of coffee or tea and your baked good of choice.

If you have any questions, comments, things you want to see, or flavor suggestions, I would love to hear what you have to say!  You can contact me here, at nicole@bakingoffscript.com, or on any form of social media!

Thank you for visiting!  I hope you make yourself at home and help yourself to some cookies.

xo, Nicole